STEM Student Competition Sponsorship Program 2025

This is a preview of the STEM Student Competition Sponsorship Program 2025 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Privacy Statement

Application Terms

Your application

  1. Submission of an application to the Crown in the Right of the State of New South Wales acting through the Premier’s Department (the Department) (ABN 34 945 244 274) constitutes an acceptance by you of the STEM Student Competition Sponsorship Program (Program) Guidelines and these Terms and you agree to be bound by both of them.
  2. Your application must be submitted to the Department on or before 10:00 AEST Friday 31 January 2025.
  3. Applications may only be submitted using the method described in the Program Guidelines.
  4. Applications that are incomplete or do not comply with the instructions provided in the application form and/or the Program Guidelines may be rejected by the Department. The Department may, in its sole discretion, accept or reject an application which is incomplete or does not comply with the Program Guidelines, or for any other reason.
  5. You agree to bear the costs of preparing and submitting your application without recourse to the Department.
  6. You confirm that all of the information provided as part of the application is true, correct and valid as at the date of your application.
  7. You agree to indemnify the Department against and in respect of all damages, losses, expenses and costs (including legal costs on an indemnity basis) which arise out of or in relation to any incorrect or invalid information that you provide to the Department through this application.
  8. If you are found to have made false or misleading claims or statements, or to have obtained improper assistance in relation to your application, the Department may exclude your application from the evaluation process. You should be aware that giving false or misleading information to the Department is a serious offence under the Crimes Act 1900 No 40(NSW).
  9. An application submitted electronically will be treated in accordance with the Electronic Transactions Act2000 (NSW).
  10. Assessment and approval of your application will be in accordance with the criteria outlined in the Program Guidelines.
  11. Submitting an application does not guarantee approval under the Program. Approval is at the sole discretion of the Department.
  12. The Department reserves the right to verify the information provided by you as part of your application and determine your eligibility for the Program.
  13. You must seek the written consent of the Department before making any public announcement about the Program and the Department’s and the State's role in the Program.
  14. Nothing in this request for applications or your application will be construed as giving rise to any contractual obligations or rights, express or implied, (other than your agreement to these Terms and the Program Guidelines).
  15. If your application is successful, the information provided in your application will form part of a funding agreement to be separately agreed and signed between your organisation and the Department.
  16. If your application is unsuccessful, feedback will be provided. Unsuccessful applications will be notified via email and/or letter of the outcome of their application and will be offered feedback if requested. Unsuccessful applicants may reapply at any time if material changes have occurred and you believe you are eligible under the Program Guidelines.
  17. You are not eligible for any rebate until a funding agreement is agreed and signed.
  18. Subject to the terms of any funding agreement entered into between you and the Department, the Department reserves the right to alter, amend, suspend, cancel or withdraw the Program for any reason and in any circumstances in its sole and absolute discretion and without notice to you.


  1. Subject to any applicable law, the Department makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, in relation to any information or material provided in the application form or the Program Guidelines including as to its accuracy, currency or reliability.
  2. The information and material provided by NSW Government as part of the application form and Program Guidelines is of a general nature only and is not legal or other professional advice or intended to be comprehensive. You are responsible for determining the validity, quality and relevance of any information or materials and taking appropriate independent advice before submitting an application or entering into a funding agreement.
  3. NSW Government does not accept responsibility for and excludes liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense howsoever caused (including through negligence or matters outside its control), which you or any person may directly or indirectly suffer in connection with your or such person's use of or reliance on, information or materials contained in the application form or the Program Guidelines.

Privacy and disclosure

  1. The Department collects the information in your application, which may include “personal information” for the purposes of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998(NSW) (PPIP Act). The Department collects this personal information for the purposes of considering and assessing your application. If your application is successful, your information will also be used to provide the rebate(s) to you, to assist you in meeting your obligations and for reporting on the Program to which your funding relates.
  2. Providing your personal information to the Department is voluntary, however, if you do not provide this information, we will not be able to assess your application and you will not be considered for the Program.
  3. The Department may also disclose your personal information to the following third parties:
  4. Smarty Grants (through Our Community Pty Ltd ABN 24 094 608 705), being the application portal providers that assist the Department to administer the Program;
  5. Independent probity advisors assisting the Department with its general risk assessment of the Program;
  6. Legal advisers and other advisers to the Department;
  7. A credit assessment agency to help complete due diligence checks, and
  8. Other New South Wales Government agencies (including but not limited to the Premier’s Department) to help assess and administer the Program, monitor activity, assist organisations whose applications are successful in meeting their obligations, and introduce unsuccessful applicants to other support programmes that may be of assistance to them.
  9. The Department may also use your information to promote and make announcements about successful applicants. Information (such as your company and business name, office location and CEO) will be used by the Department for media announcements and case studies which may be published on NSW Government websites and other social media accounts.
  10. We may also be required to disclose information by law. For example, the Department is subject to the Government Information (Public Access) Act2009 (NSW) (GIPA Act), which means the information you provide may be required to be released in response to a request under the GIPA Act. We may also be required to disclose information to oversight and investigative bodies and to the Parliament of New South Wales.
  11. By submitting this application form, you consent to the Department collecting, using and disclosing information about you in the manner described above.
  12. You must comply with the PIPP Act in relation to any personal information disclosed to you by the Department in connection with this application or the Program Guidelines.
  13. Please refer to website for more information on the Department’s privacy policy and your rights to access or correct the information.
  14. All applications become the property of the Department on submission. The Department may make copies of the application for any purpose.